"My 73 yr old wife back. Vote and comme.t"
"Trying to stay on. Vote and comment on these 73 year old tits."
"Why wont this stay up? Anybody know?
My 73 yr old wife"
"Again.keep her posting by voting."
"My 73 yr old wife whom I am really. Totally untouched goto 10 min ago.
Please comment and vote!!! More later if enough votes and comments.
"The oldest tits on this site. Still looks good to me.73 and going strong!! Comment and vote!! Fuzzy"
"Me again. Hubby still having fun. ( I don't mind) Ann
Comment and vote please!!
"The wife's girls still do it for me. And she is 73."
"Fuzzy took this today. He likes my 73 yr old body. Don't these guys ever wear out. Hope not. We have a lot of fun. What do you think. Comments and votes will tell us. Ann D"
"Is 73 to old to play? Tell us what you think."
"My 73 yr old wife. Just messing around.please comment and vote."
"72 yrs today"
"Hi everyone, well today I am 72concerned yrs old. Hubby still enjoys my body he says. I believe him. He takes a lot of pics and can't keep his hands off if these. Ann D"
"Waiting on fuzzy."
"Back again, ann d"
"Back again, most requested to keep posting. Thanks for votes and comments"