"Lick it, kiss it...or rub you hard dick head over my nipple. I can't wait!! Oooohh!!"
"I like to trade, I am bi so women welcome e mail me at Eatmetwice109@aol.com"
"Want to see more Email me at eatmetwice109@aol.com"
"Was home alone and just started playing, so I took some pictures."
"Mighty tits"
"If you want to see more of me e mail me at eatmetwice109@aol.com"
"You want to see more?????"
"I'm getting older and wonder if you guys still like them"
"Yank My chain"
"Tried some fake piercings"
"I was home alone and had camera out and on top or tri pod, I was stroking my nipples to perk them up some"