"Cold glacier water *splash* flash!"
"As requested here is another picture from me, enjoy!http://bb.voyeurweb.com/tits/show_pic.php?id=186page=3view=datehttp://bb.voyeurweb.com/tits/show_pic.php?id=187page=3view=datehttp://bb.vo"
"I'm sure this will be deleted. No idea why but enjoy while it's up. She is as real as it gets!!"
"Hi all!"
"Busty amateur Juliesv91 with natural hangers"
"It's been a while but I'm back!"
"Winter is here ...."
"Have a great day eveyone:)"
"Hanging a lil bit"
"Thank you so much everyone, the emails keep cumming! It's YOU lot that make TF fun for the most part. Now, I'm at that other place too, you know where! Xxx"
"will post more if wanted"
"Who can spray me down? I love all the emails I'm getting....especially from the women! Way to represent your sexy selves! Loveemsucked@hotmail.com. Vote superb and you'll get a treat..."
"Do you like them oiled up?? ;)"
"Your messages make me horny"