"Just relaxing and cooling off the girls a bit while on vacation in Mexico"
"response may see more"
"Choosing tops for date night. Do you like it? This just barely holds me in place, so I like it. We love reading your comments (and watching votes!) on our phones while we're out."
"Uncovered. Loving this."
"please be kind"
"I've loved your comments so much I got BRAVE and decided to show my face and ITTY BITTY titties. Comments always welcome!"!!!!!!!!!!
"just a quick hello from my girls. enjoy you hot comments. ssof1964@gmail.com"
"TGIF! Have a great Friday:)"
"Got the twins oiled up"
"my 1st pic. others to follow;)"
"Proud of my wife's rack"
"Crystal is up for some fun tonight xxx"
"This is 40. Happy Birthday to me!"
"My tits don't like to stay in this tank top.."